Saturday, June 24, 2017

                                                   My Summers as an IHOP Waitress...

                   Summer. That word used to mean something very different to me than it does currently. When my three kids were young it meant filling those long daylight hours with camps, bible schools and play dates for both my sanity and theirs. As they grew a bit, that changed from days filled with me chauffeuring them to friend's houses, community pools and theme parks (living in Florida everyone has a frigging theme park pass ..). The cost of summer financially was astronomical for those years, but it was worth every cent. The 2 month break from the 10 month marathon we call school was always welcomed and appreciated , especially by me . I jokingly used to say , on the last day of school, that "my job at IHOP starts tomorrow". I would cook and prepare food throughout the day , because 3 kids of various ages arise from their beds at very different times. So, breakfast had a tendency of morphing right into lunch , with dinner sometimes only a few hours behind. I literally felt like a diner waitress without the benefit of the tips or sassy apron.
                   What I just described all sounds very indulgent and exhausting , doesn't it? In fact there are probably people reading this saying "well you brought that on yourself".  Yes, people, yes I did. It was indulgent, expensive and tiring but you know what else it was? FAST.  So. very. fast.
                    Summer. Now this word means nothing different to me than fall, winter or spring. It means a quiet morning getting ready for work, drinking my coffee in silence. No Fruit Loops to pour, no waffles to make. Just me, sitting in my silent kitchen . I am very aware that three beautiful young adults will get up out of their beds(at all different times) and stumble to the kitchen to make their own breakfasts-or lunches depending on the time -and I will not be there.  They will make their coffee, they will toast their waffles and start their days. They will go to their jobs, or go the beach or watch Netflix and I won't be there to hang with them, or make sure they get a good lunch-not pizza rolls and Ramen.  I am no longer an IHOP waitress . They don't need a short order cook, or a chauffeur anymore. They still have their summer "break" but I am no longer an integral part of that. And I miss that.  I miss seeing them go from Zoo Camp to bible schools to Busch Gardens with their friends , with me as the driver, and most of all , the listener.
                      So , as I hang up my Imaginary IHOP apron for a business casual wardrobe, I realize the time I spent for those many summers was the best time I ever spent.  Summer meant time . Precious , albeit fleeting time with the three people I love most in the world.  So, if you still have littles, and are able to soak up every bit of summer with them I say indulge them and exhaust yourself because a quiet kitchen is right around the corner.