Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I'm gonna miss this

                                                   I am not one of those parents who counts down the days until school starts with excitement.  I am one of those parents that counts down the start of school with dread. I love the lazy, no real schedule , days of summer. I love that my kids can sleep in , that we can go to the movies in the middle of the day, that eating dinner at 5pm is perfectly ok, or eating breakfast at 1pm is just as ok.  I love that I can get up and get a whole lo accomplished before anyone else is even stirring in their beds.  I allow summer assignments to be started in August ( no earlier) , because summer assignments are stupid anyhow.  In fact, tomorrow I am buying Mikey's book that he needs to read, and he will get started on it on Saturday , which is AUGUST 1st. I am the most relaxed I will ever be in the months of June and July , and the first 2 weeks of August.  After that all hell breaks loose. Our schedules become so tight, our meal times become so erratic, and our moods are very volatile due to all that is on our plates. We get a lot accomplished throughout the school year, and we learn a lot of new things. We play sports, we go to school functions, we volunteer, we take tests and push our limits .  We overachieve (Sophie), we underachieve (Mikey) and we lecture everyone on why all these school year activities and classes are important (Me.) The nine months of the school year are jam packed, even the weekends. Homework, projects, sports all fill our weekends to the point where Sundays at 9pm we not only watch the Walking Dead , we are the Walking Dead.
                                                  The point I am trying to make, in a round a bout way , is that summer break is exactly that for this family: a break. A much needed re-charging so that everyone can be at peak performance in the Fall. I will not apologize for the late sleeping, the binge Netflix watching , non educational readers who are my children during these 10 weeks.  They need this time, and I cherish it . I only have 6 more summer breaks before they are all out of school , and all out on their own.  So, I am going to enjoy every lazy, non productive minute.