Saturday, November 29, 2014

MY Grown Up Christmas List

                                     There's a Christmas song that I heard this afternoon while driving alone in the car called Grown Up Christmas List. I usually change the radio station when any holiday music comes on, except for Feliz Navidad because, well, who can't help belting that one out at the top of their lungs? This time , I kept the radio station right where it was because the song was so pretty. Then I had a great idea. I would make my own Grown up Christmas List.  It would not have material items on it , at least not wants and wishes...It would have what I would ask Santa for if anything were possible...
1. To never have to worry about my children's health. I would ask for a guarantee of healthy lives for each of them.
2. That my dog live until she is very old and will not suffer when the time comes.
3. That my husband doesn't have to work until he is 70, and tired. That our money will grow, and emergencies will not arise to knock down our nest egg.
4. That my daughter comes to realize that I want what is best for her, I am not trying to make her miserable .
5. That Mikey graduate high school. (ok, this one is only kinda serious) .
6. That Zach gets to fuflill his dream of playing college football and we don't have to travel to Minnesota or some other God forsaken frozen land to get that opportunity.
7. That if Zach doesn't get to play college football, he will always keep the memories and experiences from when he did play and look back on it fondly.
8. That I will learn to embrace change in both my body and my mind . both of which are losing steam.
9. That I will learn to listen to people more , and talk less.
10. That my patience is extended a few more years , since I have a lot of teen years ahead of me to deal with and I want to be as even keeled for Mikey as I am for Zach. (This one is doubtful).

I could probably come up with 10 more things to wish for this Christmas, but this is a good place to start... I hope if you get chance to listen to this Christmas song you will and maybe it will inspire you as well... If not , change the station. Feliz Navidad is on somewhere!