Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sure they're old...but I love 'em!

                       I am going to preface this blog by stating I am not a concert kind of girl. I hate crowds , paying 11.50 for a salad , 4.00 for water and parking a mile away from the venue which leaves me having to walk that mile in adorable but hellishly uncomfortable Michael Kors shoes. So if I do go to a concert it better be worth all that . Which is why I hardly ever go . However , when I heard the Eagles were coming to Tampa I knew that I HAD to go. The Eagles are more than a bunch of 60 year old men trying to rekindle some semblance of youth to me, they are my childhood, my teen years and my memories.
                        Being an only child , I was always alone in the backseat of my parents car listening to whatever they were listening to. It was the Eagles a lot of the time. I had no one distracting me with petty arguing , or silly road games so I listened to the words. And, the words are amazing. And alot of the songs spoke to me . Different songs at different times of my life, but the Eagles could always strike a chord with me. Last night , I had the opportunity to see the people who painted he backdrop of my childhood , who made long car rides and nights in my room so much more pleasant. Now, sometimes things are built up in your head so big they can never measure up. This concert was NOT one of those things . Hearing Don Henley address the audience , tell jokes and sing was so sublime . Glen Frey , the voice of so many songs ( with and without the Eagles) was narrating the concert and making an even better connection to the songs and their meanings .And Joe Walsh , well , he was Joe Friggin Walsh. It happened to be the man's 66 th birthday and the last hour of the concert he gave the best performance I have ever seen . Life's Been Good to Me So Far performed live , all 7 minutes of it , is a memory I'll never forget.Thanks to my IPhone video , I won't have to...
                   I am not writing this as a concert review, although it certainly sounds like one. What spurred this on is a review I read this morning in our local paper of this concert. It was mostly talking about how old the band members are and how worn out their songs are and I feel like the reviewer missed the point. Of course we all know the Eagles songs , how can anyone over 30 years old NOT know them? Sure they're old guys, they've been singing for 43 years .However, there is something to be said for a bunch of old guys ( or legends ,as I like to call them) selling out a venue on a Wednesday night . 17,000 people were there , and I am willing to bet they were just as in awe as I was to see these guys sing ,in person, the songs that are the soundtrack of a generation.
                    Am I old? Yep. Would I shell out 200 dollars a ticket to see Drake or Macklemore?? Nope. But if it's to listen to the bands that made me learn to appreciate and truly listen to music , break out the Amex! I'm so glad that I was able to see these icons in person, it may very we'll be the last time they are all together and we are all getting old with very little time kept for missed opportunities. The Eagles taught me that , just listen to their lyrics...